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dc.contributor.authorRam, Shri-
dc.contributor.authorPaliwal, Nitin-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering to the Psoriasis literature published during 1960-2009. Psoriasis is a kind of skin disease prevalent all over the world. The therapy of mild-to-moderate Psoriasis has come a long way from the days of tar and anthralin, though the latter treatments are still occasionally used. The paper presents an overview on scholarly contribution presented on Bradford law applied in different studies both theoretical as well as practical aspects of the law and it is being tested here over Psoriasis literature. The data for this study has been taken from PubMed for the period of 50 years (1960-2009) and it yielded 24031 citations. A ranked list of journals has been prepared and it is found that British Journal of Dermatology is most productive journal which has published 8.54 % article on psoriasis. As far as the implication of Bradford law is concern, in theoretical aspect this law does not fit, but the alternatives such as Leimkuhler model holds good for Psoriasis literature.en_US
dc.publisherJaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, H.P.en_US
dc.subjectBradford lawen_US
dc.subjectscattering of journalsen_US
dc.subjectCitation analysisen_US
dc.titleAssessment of Bradford Law’s of Scattering to Psoriasis Literature through Bibliometric Snapshoten_US
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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