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dc.contributor.authorGupta, Medha-
dc.contributor.authorNagavolu, Chandan [Guided by]-
dc.description.abstractRobotic process automation (or RPA) is a rising type of business process robotization innovation dependent on the thought of programming robots or man-made consciousness laborers. In customary workflow robotization tool, a software engineer delivers a list of activities to mechanize a task and interface to the back-end framework utilizing inside application programming interfaces (APIs) or committed scripting language. Interestingly, RPA frameworks build up the activity list by viewing the client performing that task in the application's graphical user interface (GUI), and then performing the automation by repeating those tasks straightforwardly in the GUI. This can bring down the obstruction to utilization of robotization in items that may not generally include APIs for this reason. It is prevalently used to mechanize business processes and errands, resulting in reductions in spending and giving businesses a competitive edge. Computerization innovation has been a staple of business for the most recent decade, however as of late, RPA innovation has achieved a great dimension of complexity while holding usability. It is no longer a tool that is exclusively used to encourage automation of simple and dull IT errands. RPA is developing, and with the combination of other technologies – for example, artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) – helping engineers to investigate new potential outcomesen_US
dc.publisherJaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, H.P.en_US
dc.subjectRobotic process automationen_US
dc.subjectCredit prescreenen_US
dc.titleRPA Credit Prescreen based Automation Anywhere Toolen_US
dc.typeProject Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:B.Tech. Project Reports

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