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dc.contributor.authorKandpal, Rahul-
dc.contributor.authorKathpalia, Gaurav-
dc.contributor.authorGali, Veeresh [Guided by]-
dc.contributor.authorKumar, Ashish [Guided by]-
dc.description.abstractThe high cost of conventional building materials is a major factor affecting housing delivery in the world. This has necessitated research into alternative materials of construction. In this study, coconut shell & fly ash is used as light weight aggregate in concrete. The properties of coconut shell and fly ash as aggregate in concrete is examined and the use of coconut shell and fly ash aggregate in construction is tested. The project aims at analyzing flexural and compressive strength characteristics of with partial replacement using M20 and M25 grade concrete. The project also aims to show that Coconut shell and fly ash aggregate is a potential construction material and simultaneously reduces the environment problem of solid waste. Beams are casted, tested and their physical and mechanical properties are determined. The main objective is to encourage the use of these “seemingly” waste products as construction material..en_US
dc.publisherJaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, H.P.en_US
dc.subjectCoconut shellen_US
dc.subjectFly ashen_US
dc.titleUse of Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate and Fly Ash as Fine Aggregate in Concreteen_US
dc.typeProject Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:B.Tech. Project Reports

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