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dc.contributor.authorSingh, Gyani Jail [Guided by]-
dc.description.abstractIn India, the construction site is the second biggest economic industry after that to agriculture. The delay in the construction industry is a worldwide phenomenon. Delays and cost overruns in most construction projects are either simple or complex. In order to avoid project delays, various factors causing delays should be properly analyzed and managed. The report discussed delays in construction projects; therefore, many delays in many projects were considered. The questionnaire was prepared on the basis of various factors that caused delays in the construction industry. The collected list contains 86 reasons for the delay, divided into seven different groups. The questionnaire was sent to different owners, consultants and contractors to sort the various factors. These data are used to analyze the Relative Importance Index (RII) for different delays and cost overruns. The purpose of this study is to compile the views and results of different researchers, clearly showing that each study group evaluates different factors differently, resulting in delays and cost overruns. As a result, these factors rank the opportunities / impacts of the construction project accordingly. In this research work, an optimization algorithm named as Genetic algorithm (GA) is used to reduce the duration as well as the cost of the construction project. The simulation is performed in MATLAB environment and the cost as well as time is reduced for the I.T.I construction site in Shimla.en_US
dc.publisherJaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, H.P.en_US
dc.subjectConstruction sitesen_US
dc.titleTime Delay and Cost Overrun Analysis Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm in Construction Projectsen_US
dc.typeProject Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertations (M.Tech.)

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