Browsing by Author Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023American Sign Language Recognition using Deep LearningMalhotra, Manya; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2023Applications of Signal Processing, Computational Techniques in Bioinformatics and BiotechnologyDivyansu; Sharma, Sunil Datt [Guided by]; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2024Conversational AI: intellibotSharma, Umang; Chandel, Gavin; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2023Customer-Vehicle Management SystemKumar, Sumit; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2024Deep Learning Based Facial Emotions RecognitionSharma, Anmol; Singhal, Sanskar; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2023Feature Engineering and Classification of Different Sound WavesYasharth; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2024Hand Gesture Recognition Using Deep LearningBashyal, Kshitiz; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2024Human Activity RecognitionMahajan, Tanish; Sen, Hridhima; Sharma, Vaibhav; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]; Jata Shankar [Guided by]
2023Implementation of Scheduling Techniques for Fog Computing -using JavaSrivastava, Arj; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2024Optimal Routing of Electrical Networks using Clustering and Shortest Path AlgorithmsDutt, Himanshu; Bansal, Vansh; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2023Patent AnalysisSingh, Simarjot; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2024Securring Online Voting System using Visual CryptographyGoel, Vasu; Singhal, Mridul; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2023Server Creation using AWS EC2Srivastava, Shreya; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2023Signal Processing and Feature Engineering of Respiratory DiseaseVerma, Priya; Yadav, Ajay; Sharma, Sunil Datt [Guided by]; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2023Visitor Management WebsiteBhardwaj, Tarun; Sharma, Sunil Datt [Guided by]; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]
2023Zopstore Web App Built using Three Layered ArchitectureBharota, Rishabh; Hooda, Diksha [Guided by]