Browsing by Author Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Applicant Tracking System (ATS)Chhabra, Khushi; Vashistha, Devanshi; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023Baby Sitting iOS ApplicationBansal, Kalpit; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023Crop Recommendation System using WSN and ML AlgorithmsChoudhary, Harshul; Rajput, Ujjwal; Kumar, Alok [Guided by]; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2024Decentralized Password ManagerRathour, Praksh Panab; Thakur, Abhinav; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023E-pharmacy Application using Cloud ComputingTyagi, Aditi; Singh, Anushka; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2024End to End NLP Based Chatbot using Dialog FlowAgarwal, Pranav Kumar; Sahni, Rohit; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023Handwritten Digit RecognitionJariyal, Vaibhav; Puthooran, Emjee [Guided by]; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023Image Encryption using AESParmar, Rishabh Singh; Mankotia, Sahaj; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023Image Encryption using RSAVerma, Salil; Sahil; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023Kudos ApplicationSingh, Utkarsh; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023ML based optimization agriculture productionGupta, Bhavya; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023Network Packet AnalyzerKumar, Mayank; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2024Secure Communication Protocols for IoT NetworksSingh, Aditya; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023Secure Data Transfer using Key Exchange Protocol based on CloudMahajan, Mudit; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2024Serverless Web ApplicationUpadhyay, Arjit; Kaushal, Archit; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2024Stock PredictionBhargava, Gavesh; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023Traffic Management SystemThakur, Abhishek; Gour, Shivam; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2024Traffic Violation Detection using BlockchainAnand, Tejas; Singh, Vaishnavi; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration TestingNijhawan, Devesh; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]
2023Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration TestingShah, Khushi; Dhiman, Pankaj [Guided by]